Daily digest

Final wrap-up of the conference blog

Perhaps because of a dearth of Internet access in the conference hotel or the distraction of too many stimulating things to do, blogging at this year's conference was sparser than in the last couple of years. (We hope to change the Internet issue at next year's meeting in Pensacola, Florida, where there is the promise of abundant wifi for all!) We do, however, have some reflections on the last couple of days of the conference, including:

Priya Chaya's post-Portland thoughts on the history/sustainability conversation that she sees developing between public and environmental history.

A response to NCPH President Marianne Babal's presidential address.

A report on an ASEH panel focusing on predecessors of today's "countermodern" green visionaries.

And a slideshow from the Fort Vancouver/Cathlapotle Plank House Tour.

Day 2: Friday, March 12, 2010

The conference continued today with panels, working groups, afternoon tours, and an evening plenary address by journalist Adam Hochschild. For selected highlights, check out:

Adina Langer's thoughts on a dine-around discussion about "historical thinking."

"Things I Heard at the NCPH Conference" by Priya Chaya.

A report on a session that challenged historians to move beyond the preservation paradigm in the interests of ecological thinking.

And some photos from some of the many great tours that the afternoon was devoted to:
Portland by Bicycle
Cathlapotle Plankhouse Tour

Day 1: Thursday, March 11, 2010

Okay, technically Wednesday was Day 1. But today was the start of sessions and other core conference activities, with lots happening on both the ASEH and NCPH sides of the program.

Kasi Piccard-Krone reports on the pre-conference Environmental History Forum on Wednesday.

Cross-postings from blogs by three conference attendees give a sense of some of what's been going on so far today:

Priya Chaya of "Preservation Nation" and "This is What Comes Next" muses on where the green movement and environmental history intersect (or not) with the public.

Tom Scheinfeldt of "Found History" gives a useful overview of how digital humanities are represented at the conference.

Cathy Stanton of "History on Wheels" reports on a session focusing on cars and the environment.

Also read Larry Cebula's invitation to the Washington State Digital Archives display at the exhibit hall (and those not at the conference can visit the archives themselves!)

And for those with a weakness for neon, Vintage Roadside has served up a great selection of roadside attractions in Portland.

Back to the main conference blog page.